This anniversary also marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Kodály Institute and the 20th anniversary of the Foundation for the Kodály Institute.
The programme will include a festive concert at the recently renovated Liszt Academy in Budapest and lectures, workshops, presentations, concerts, exhibitions and common singing in Kecskemét.
We do hope that many of you come join us to celebrate and reflect upon the legacy of Zoltán Kodály.
Spread the word about the upcoming event to friends and register your interest in attending at or on Facebook.
Search your photo albums for pictures and other memorabilia from your days at Kodály Symposia, Seminars, Institute studies, and send them electronically for a display to
Stay tuned for updates regarding accommodation and programme details on the Society’s website and/or the Kodály Institute’s website. Details will be available soon.
Look forward to welcoming you to Hungary in October.
Board of the International Kodály Society